So, being in Taiwan was not going to stop me from dressing up and going out. Some fellow foreigners joined Carrie and I as we headed to Taipei for a night on the town. Before the big night, Carrie and I searched for green accessories and clothes as we did not pack such things from home. We were more then capable of finding random crap to make some wonderfully green and festive outfits. We met our friends at the train station with extra green for others and a couple tall boys. Looking even more out of place then usual we strolled into the train station to find our friends in green t shirts.... nothing on their heads...nothing on their faces. We quickly changed that by passing out stickers and extra accessories.
This was the plan: a great group of foreign English teachers traveling in a Chinese speaking country, to a Canadian owned bar, in order to celebrate an Irish holiday.
The night started with shots being handed out as we entered the bar (The Brass Monkey)...and never seemed to stop. We were entered (against our will) into an Irish dance competition where the team decided Ring-Around-the-Rosie would be our go to move. Somehow we made it to the FINALS! The finals involved more shots of Jameson and a dance off for the title. Our best dancer was going to be selected...Mike was up to the task. We covered him in everything green and gave him pom poms. He was set. His competition was a tiny Asian girl who was actually trying to dance "Irish". Our game plan GET IN HER SPACE. Mike did all he could but the judges did not vote in our favor. Still priceless to watch!
The night continued on with details blurring: dancing, drinking, new friends and a LONG cab ride home.
Proud to say we made it home at an acceptable time and were actually kind of useful the following day!
St. Patrick's Day is truly a great and international holiday!
You Rock Menace. Never quit.