The Adventures of Menace and Cheddar Bob started with the decision to leave the safety of the bubble at home and travel across the world. We left the comforts of the familiar behind to take on the challenge of teaching english overseas. This is our story....

Friday, October 16, 2009

Hilarious Answers

Students had their midterms for reading, math and science this past week and after much grading I thought I'd share a few funny answers. The kids of course can't spell a lot of words because English is not their first language but we usually can decpiher their meaning. Also the lower grades aren't deducted marks for their spelling, it's not really fair.
The grade 2 reading midterm had a story about kids breaking a neighbours window playing baseball. The children in the story had to work at the man's house to pay off their debt and had 3 more days of it. The students were suppose to predict what would happen the next day. A good response being they had to go back to the man's house to work.
One kid wrote: "They broke someone else's window." Not a typical answer but I gave the kid part made me laugh out loud.

Another question related to a story they had read about a boy named David at school. They were asked how David helped his teacher. Correct answers were: he helped catch a lizard, gave the teacher a napkin, found the teacher's glasses and gave the teacher some chalk.
One student wrote: "He gave the teacher the cock." Now, this student received full marks because I knew that he meant chalk.
I'm not sure what's scarier, that I knew what the student meant or that he received full marks for his answer!

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