The Adventures of Menace and Cheddar Bob started with the decision to leave the safety of the bubble at home and travel across the world. We left the comforts of the familiar behind to take on the challenge of teaching english overseas. This is our story....

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Overdue Updates!

We are bad bloggers. We have been neglecting our duties keeping you updated with our life and adventures. We apologize for any inconvenience or withdrawal this left you with.

The past week started with Teacher's Day! A few of our cute little students got presents and cards for us. There were of course some odd gifts (pork chips, vitamin B?). But it's the thought that counts.

Tuesday and Wednesday was the dreaded open house. Parents of the students came in to our classrooms all day long and watched us teach and interact with their children. It was stressful to say the least but of course we made it through with shining colours!

After that week we were in need of stress relief. Friday night we went out in Hsinchu and had a grand old time! Despite the warning of typhoon Parma looming...we were not going to let that stop us!
Saturday night we headed to a nearby watering hole. Denise and I had frequently passed a restaurant called Water Frog BBQ and wanted to see if it was any good. Well....we were pleasantly surprised! This place had a buffet style of all raw meats, vegetables and noodles. You went and picked out what you wanted to eat and cooked it at your table which was equipped with your very own BBQ! We're thinking of opening up our own at home! (Of course waivers and liability would have to be involved). Being the klutz I am...we had a slight fire that had to be taken care of. Oops! All of this food was only 299NT (or about $9CDN) and we ate like royalty! Another fantastic part about the Water Frog is the beer! One glass....multiple kegs....all you can drink - 100NT (or ~$3 CDN). It was like our very own keg party! We highly recommend it!

Our night ended with a little trip to the local 7-11. We purchased some more beer and watched the sights at the main intersection. Unfortunately my camera was running on it's last juice so I didn't get much of a video. But, a local "gang"? was driving crazy at the intersection. Easily amused? You betcha!

Of course, what would a typhoon warning be without a little earthquake. That's right ladies and gentlemen, we had our first taste of a little earthquake action. Saturday night as we were enjoying our 7-11 beer I all of a sudden felt a slight movement. Earthquake? I guess so....
Sunday night, right before I headed to bed I felt a little shake and the table moved. Survived earthquake #2....whew, that was a close one!

Typhoon Parma definitely didn't hit like it was expected to. It did rain and there was wind but apparently it is always that windy in this area and the rain wasn't overly impressive. We were looking forward to our first typhoon day, well maybe next time!

Please find Episode 7 below for your viewing enjoyment...

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